What is a Company Store and How Do They Work?

July 16, 2024

What is a Company Store?

A company store, often referred to as an online company store, is a specialized e-commerce platform designed for businesses to offer branded merchandise and workplace materials. These stores enable employees, customers, and partners to access and purchase products adorned with the company’s logo, colors, and other brand elements. Unlike traditional retail stores, company stores reinforce brand identity and support internal operations.

Online company stores serve as a hub for distributing branded items such as apparel, office supplies, promotional products, and more. They are designed to simplify the procurement process, maintain brand consistency, and enhance employee engagement. These stores often feature user-friendly interfaces, customizable options, and secure payment systems, making them a convenient and effective solution for businesses of all sizes.

Benefits of a Company Store

Implementing an online company store offers numerous benefits to businesses. By providing a centralized platform for branded merchandise, businesses can ensure consistent branding across all materials, which helps in building a recognizable brand image and fosters a sense of unity among employees and customers. For more detailed information on the benefits of company stores, refer to our comprehensive article on the benefits of a company store for your business.

Improved Brand Visibility and Recognition

An online company store is a powerful tool for enhancing brand visibility. By offering a centralized platform for branded merchandise, businesses can ensure consistent branding across all materials. This consistency helps in building a recognizable brand image and fosters a sense of unity among employees and customers. When these branded items are used in public, they act as constant reminders of the brand, effectively extending its reach.

Streamlined Procurement Process

Online company stores simplify the procurement process for employees. They provide a convenient way to order branded materials, eliminating the need for multiple ordering systems and reducing administrative overhead. This centralized access means employees can quickly find and order the items they need, which increases productivity and ensures consistent quality and branding.

Enhanced Employee Engagement and Morale

Providing employees with branded merchandise through an online company store can significantly boost morale and engagement. These items create a sense of employee belonging and pride, contributing to a positive workplace culture. Whether it’s branded apparel or work supplies, these tangible items reinforce employees’ connection with the company, making them feel valued and appreciated.

Cost-Effective Marketing and Promotion

Branded merchandise is a cost-effective marketing tool. Online company stores allow businesses to distribute promotional items efficiently, reaching a wide audience without significant additional costs. These company stores can support marketing campaigns, trade shows, and events, helping to promote the brand and engage with customers effectively.



Key Features of Company Stores

Company stores are equipped with various features to enhance their functionality and user experience:

Custom Online Storefront

The storefront can be designed to match the company’s aesthetic, ensuring a professional and cohesive look across all branded materials. It is tailored to reflect the company’s brand identity, including logos, colors, and design elements, providing a seamless branding experience.

Branded Merchandise

A wide range of products, such as apparel, office supplies, and promotional items, all feature the company’s branding. High-quality merchandise reinforces brand loyalty and provides practical value to the users. Offering a variety of items ensures that there is something for everyone, from employees to customers.

User-Friendly Interface

Intuitive navigation and search capabilities to help users easily find and purchase products. A user-friendly interface enhances the shopping experience, encouraging more frequent use and ensuring that users can quickly locate the items they need without frustration.

Order Tracking and History

Allows users to track their orders and review past purchases, making reordering simple and efficient. This feature provides transparency and ensures that users are kept informed about the status of their orders, contributing to a positive experience.

Secure Payment Options

Multiple payment methods and secure transactions to ensure a safe shopping experience. Security is a top priority, protecting user information and building trust in the platform.

Integration with Existing Systems

Compatibility with HR, marketing, and procurement systems to streamline processes and data management. Integrating the company store with existing business systems ensures a smooth workflow and reduces administrative burdens.

Who Can Use an Online Company Store?

Online company stores are versatile and can be utilized by various audiences:


Employees have access to branded apparel, work supplies, and recognition gifts, fostering a sense of belonging and unity. They can also order uniforms, tools, and other essential items that enhance their productivity and promote a cohesive company culture.


Ability to purchase promotional items and branded merchandise, enhancing customer loyalty and brand visibility. Customers can show their support for the brand by purchasing and using branded items, which also serve as free advertising.

Partners and Distributors

Easy access to branded materials needed for marketing, events, and sales support. Partners and distributors can maintain brand consistency in their promotional efforts, ensuring a unified brand message.

New Hires

Onboarding kits and welcome packages to help new employees integrate into the company culture quickly. Providing branded items to new hires helps them feel welcomed and valued from day one, setting a positive tone for their tenure.

The History of Company Stores and Branded Merchandise

The concept of branded merchandise dates back to the late 19th century, evolving significantly over the years. Initially, promotional items like commemorative buttons and advertising calendars were used to spread brand messages. Over time, the variety and sophistication of branded merchandise have grown, leading to the development of modern company stores.

  • 1789: The first known promotional items and commemorative buttons for George Washington’s inauguration.
  • The late 1890s: Jasper Meek and Henry Beach pioneered the promotional products industry with items like book bags, fans, and hats.
  • 1904: Formation of the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI), marking the formalization of the industry.
  • 1980s-1990s: Rise of product catalogs, making it easier for companies to order branded items.
  • 1997: Launch of the first catalog-based e-commerce site, paving the way for modern online company stores.
  • 2000s: Online company stores became mainstream, offering a centralized platform for distributing branded merchandise.

How to Set Up an Online Company Store

Setting up an online company store involves several crucial steps to ensure its success. This process requires careful planning and execution to create a platform that meets the business’s and its users’ needs. For a more detailed walkthrough, refer to our comprehensive guide on how to implement an online company store.

1. Define Objectives

Determine the company store’s purpose and target audience. Understanding the company store’s goals, whether employee engagement, customer loyalty, or brand promotion, is essential for its design and functionality.

2. Choose a Platform

Select an e-commerce platform that offers the necessary features and customization options. The platform should be robust, user-friendly, and capable of handling the expected volume of traffic and transactions.

3. Design the Store

Customize the storefront to reflect the company’s brand identity. This includes choosing the right colors, logos, and design elements that align with the company’s branding guidelines.

4. Select Products

Curate a range of branded merchandise and work supplies. Offering a variety of high-quality products ensures that there is something for every user, from employees to customers.

5. Set Up Payment Systems

Implement secure and diverse payment options. Ensuring that transactions are safe and straightforward builds trust with users and encourages more frequent purchases.

6. Launch and Promote

Roll out the store to employees, customers, and partners, and promote it through various channels. Effective promotion ensures that the target audience is aware of the store and its benefits, leading to higher engagement and usage.

Key Takeaways

  • Centralized Branding: Online company stores provide a consistent platform for all branded materials, enhancing brand recognition.
  • Efficient Procurement: These stores streamline the ordering process for employees, saving time and reducing costs.
  • Employee Engagement: Branded merchandise boosts morale and fosters a sense of belonging among employees.
  • Cost-Effective Marketing: Online company stores facilitate the distribution of promotional items, supporting broader marketing strategies.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: Proforma Battlefield offers expert guidance and high-quality products to ensure the success of your company store.


Company Store FAQ

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What is a company store?

A company store is an e-commerce platform where businesses offer employees, customers, and partners branded merchandise and work supplies. It serves as a centralized location to manage all branded products, ensuring consistency in branding and simplifying the procurement process. These stores can feature a wide range of items, including uniforms, promotional products, and office supplies, tailored to meet the organization’s specific needs.

How does an online company store benefit businesses?

Online company stores provide numerous benefits to businesses. They enhance brand visibility by ensuring consistent use of branded merchandise. These stores streamline procurement processes, making it easier for employees to order necessary items while maintaining control over brand standards. By centralizing orders, companies can reduce costs through bulk purchasing and minimize administrative tasks. Furthermore, online company stores boost employee engagement by providing easy access to branded apparel and work supplies, fostering a sense of belonging and pride in the organization. 

Who can use an online company store?

An online company store is accessible to a wide range of users within and associated with the business. Employees can use it to order uniforms and other work-related supplies. Customers and partners can access branded merchandise to show their support and connection to the company. New hires can also utilize the store to get their onboarding materials, ensuring they start with the necessary branded items. This broad accessibility helps maintain a consistent brand image across all touchpoints. 

What are the key features of a company store?

A company store offers several key features designed to enhance the user experience and streamline operations. These features include a custom online storefront that reflects the company’s branding, a diverse selection of branded merchandise, and a user-friendly interface for easy navigation. The store also provides order tracking, secure payment options, and integration with existing systems to ensure a seamless experience. These features work together to create an efficient and effective platform for managing branded products.

How can I set up an online company store?

Setting up an online company store involves several steps to ensure it meets the needs of the business. Start by defining your objectives, such as what types of products you want to offer and what goals you aim to achieve with the store. Choose a reliable platform that can support your needs and design the store to reflect your brand’s identity. Select the products you want to include, set up secure payment systems, and establish order tracking capabilities. Once everything is in place, launch the store and promote it to your employees, customers, and partners to ensure they are aware of this new resource. 

Connect with Proforma Battlefield 

Integrating an online company store into your business strategy offers numerous benefits, from improved brand visibility to streamlined operations and enhanced employee engagement. At Proforma Battlefield, we provide comprehensive solutions for setting up and managing your company store. Our wide range of branded merchandise, from custom apparel to promotional products, ensures that your brand identity is consistently reinforced. By leveraging our expertise, you can create a seamless and effective company store that meets your business needs and supports your strategic goals. 

Visit Proforma Battlefield to explore our offerings and discover how we can help you build a successful company store.

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